“The Next Best Thing To Cloning Yourself As A Speaker... ”
Discover How To Get Virtual Assistants To Grow
Your Speaking Business For You...
And Watch Your Profitability Soar To The Next Level!
Get An Entire Dream Team Of Professional Outsourced Workers Do The Things You
Don't Want To Do, Don't Know How To Do, Or Don't Have Time To Do As You Grow Your Speaking, Coaching, Training & Consulting Business!
Richard, Larry, Drew, Patricia & the rest of the Inspiring Speakers Bureau team here.

Over the last three years we’ve been successfully helping speakers, coaches, trainers, authors, consultants and other types of experts, information marketers and thought leaders launch and market their products and services. During that time we've had many speakers just like you send in testimonials of their experiences growing their business with our membership training program.
You're continually seeking the services of outside help in your daily life, whether you realize it or not. It's what you do when you take your vehicle in for an oil change. It's what you do when you hire someone to babysit your kids. It's what you do when you pay a neighbor to mow your lawn.

You outsource.

Whether the task is something you don't have time to do yourself, don't know how to do yourself, or simply don't want to do yourself, you pay someone else to do it for you. You seek the services of an "outside source". It shouldn't come as a surprise then that we also do this in building our speaking, coaching, training and consulting business.
But here's the big mistake that speakers, thought leaders and branded experts make when outsourcing...

They outsource projects instead of building teams.

There is a big difference. As a speaker, you don't want to merely outsource projects, you want to strategically build a virtual team of professionals that all put specific skill sets to work in completing revenue-generating tasks for YOUR expert business.

Do you understand the difference?

It's not about outsourcing a few projects here and there. It's about growing your speaking, coaching & expert business by assembling  a "go to" team of freelance virtual staff that you train and mobilize in an ongoing, long-term partnership.

The best part is: you don't "hire" them. They are all independent contractors who work for themselves. You simply pay them for the services they provide for your specific business. In fact, if you're not at least doubling your investment in outsourcing, you're not doing it right!

There are a lot of courses and training materials available to share how to outsource projects. We're about to show you how to do much more than that. You're about to discover how to assemble skilled professionals from all over the world to create products, produce content, manage your website, get more speaking and coaching customers and clients, handle customer service inquiries, and plenty of other tasks that keep your business running smoothly and profitably, and growing every quarter.

Speaker Growth Accelerator Is The Training Program To Help You Assemble Your Virtual Team,
Scale Your Expert Business And Dominate Your Speaking Niche!

Speaker Growth Accelerator is a monthly training program that reveals all the secrets, strategies and shortcuts you need to find, hire and manage a highly effective freelance team to grow your speaking business - and fast!

HINT: There are plenty of courses available that teach you how to "outsource a project". This course is MUCH MORE than that. This course is about how to assemble a virtual team that you repeatedly work with to rapidly grow your speaking business as never before.

You don't have to waste a single moment trying to figure all this out on your own. You get a new lesson every week for three months that will help you supercharge your business growth as never before. Plus, the end of each lesson includes a “take action” assignment so you can get a jump start on setting up your own profitable team!
You're About To Discover The Same Tips, Tricks, Strategies And Tools 
Top Speakers and Experts Use To Generate More Business And Bigger Results!
These lessons include...

1.    The Five Key Areas That Lead to Explosive Speaking Business Growth
2.    The Secrets for Creating a Nearly Hands-Free System for Growing Your Expert Business
3.    A Simple Three-Step Process for Planning a Highly Effective Outsourcing Calendar
4.    How to Create a Business Framework That Guides Your Freelancers Into Producing Their Best Work
5.    A Powerful (Yet Simple) Retention Strategy That Makes Your Team Members Stick to You Like Glue
6.    The Seven Must-Have Elements That Every Project Description Ought to Include
7.    The 5 Biggest, Costliest Mistakes You Can Make When Building Your Freelance Force – And How to Avoid Them
8.    Seven Easy Ways to Turn Your Freelancing Team Into a Well-Oiled Speaking Profits Machine
9.    The Secrets of Finding the R.I.G.H.T. Team Members to Grow Your Speaking Business
10.    The Quick & Easy Way to Double Your Money As A Speaker, Coach & Branded Expert by Outsourcing

Three Reasons Why Outsourcing Is The Key To Rapid Business Growth And Why You're Going To Want To Start Doing It "Our Way" - And Fast! The Speaker Growth Accelerator Program Will Help You Assemble Your Team To Scale Your Business And Dominate Your Speaking Niche More Quickly & Easily Than Ever Before!

This program will help you...
  • Outsourcing frees up your time to focus on high-value speaking and coaching tasks.  Your time as an expert and thought leader is worth more than what you often spend it on. Stop and re-read that last sentence again, and let the weight of it sink in. Instead of spending hours watching YouTube videos and searching Google to learn how to complete low-value tasks, outsourcing allows you to focus on the big business initiatives - speaking & coaching more often, selling more products, and building your audience and customer base!
  • Outsourcing is a great investment. If you know the secrets of outsourcing the right tasks, then you’ll make money for every dollar you spend. How much money would you make if you could duplicate your own efforts many times over, get unstuck in the areas that are holding you back, and add missing profit-generating pieces to your thought leadership business?
  • Outsourcing Creates Better Results. There are certain business tasks you’re probably not skilled at doing. If you hire a skilled freelancer to do these jobs, you’re going to get better results than if you had done them yourself! This will allow you to create better products, generate better marketing results, and build a better speaking, coaching, training and consulting brand.
Simply put…
If you’ve been looking for a proven way to grow your expert business  while enjoying more free time, then this is your solution!

And here’s how we're going to help you make it happen:

How You Can Use Speaker Growth Accelerator To  Grow Your Speaking Business Starting Today!

What is Speaker Growth Accelerator? It’s a monthly premium training program from Inspiring Speakers Bureau, the leading speakers bureau for helping new and emerging speakers build a thriving business. This is a powerful training system that you can use to create your own profitable freelancing team. Here’s an overview of the Speaker Growth Accelerator success formula.

•    FOCUS on Five Key Areas, which is where you’ll find out which tasks to outsource for the best results!
•    ORGANIZE Your System, which is all about creating a highly effective team!
•    RANK Your Priorities, which shows you how to manage your budget and time for maximum profits!
•    CREATE Your Core Values, which helps you build a profitable framework for business success!
•    EDUCATE Team Members, which is the key to retaining team members and getting them to produce their best work!

Just look at some of what you get when you order this course now…

    A Message From Joel Weldon, CPAE Hall of Fame Speaker, Legend of the Speaking Industry,
    and Founding Member of the National Speakers Association

    "I highly recommend you do this - and do it now! It's a 'Godfather' offer - an offer so good you really can't say no to it!"

    Click here to watch Joel's short video about the Inspiring Speakers Bureau Membership Program.

    Lesson 1: The Five Key Areas That Lead To Explosive speaking Business Growth
    In lesson 1 you’ll discover the five key areas of your speaking business where freelancers can create the greatest impact. You’ll also find out the specific tasks freelancers perform in each of these areas – they’ll do all the work while you reap all the rewards!
    Lesson 2: The Secrets for Creating a Nearly Hands-Free System for Growing Your speaking Business
    One of the secrets for creating an effective, profitable team is to develop a system so your team runs like a well-oiled machine. And that’s exactly what you’ll learn how to do in this lesson, including:
    •    You’ll learn which two key issues you need to consider before you even think about making your first hire!
    •    You’ll discover two powerful software platforms that make it easier than ever to manage your team!
    •    You’ll learn a simple three-step process for creating consistently high-quality work across your team!

    Lesson 3: A Simple Three-Step Process for Planning a Highly Effective Outsourcing Calendar
    If you rush out and outsource everything you can, you’re going to drain your budget dry in the first week. And if you outsource the wrong things, you’re going to spend a whole lot of money without seeing any tangible results or ROI. Ugh, right?
    That’s why this lesson gives you a simple three-step process for determining and prioritizing your needs so that you outsource the tasks that are going to have the biggest impact on your speaking & expert business!

    Lesson 4: How to Create a Business Framework That Guides Your Freelancers Into Producing Their Best Work
    Are you overlooking any of the six crucial components that every thought leadership business ought to possess? These components serve as rudders for your business. Without them, your business may drift along rather haphazardly. You won’t have a clear direction for your growth and progress, and your freelancers won’t be working within a clear framework that guides them.
    That’s why this lesson is all about creating a framework composed of the six crucial components that help your freelancers do their best work. If you want consistency and more growth, then don’t skip this lesson!

    Lesson 5: A Powerful (Yet Simple) Retention Strategy That Makes Your Team Members Stick to You Like Glue
    You’ve invested a good amount of time and money building a freelance team – don’t throw it all away by creating an unpleasant work experience for your team members! Freelancers are in no way tied to you. If they’re unhappy for any reason, they’ll drop you like a hot potato. And you’re left scrambling around trying to meet deadlines while finding another talented professional. (It’s no fun, that’s for sure!)
    That’s why you’ll want to use these retention strategies, which include these three parts:
    1. Complete Contracts.
    2. Connect Team Members.
    3. Create Training Materials.
    End result? Your ROI grows over time as your best freelancers make your business their top priority!
    Lesson 6: The Seven Must-Have Elements That Every Project Description Ought to Include
    One of biggest frustrations business owners experience when they outsource is getting a poor end result.  And one of the biggest reasons why this happens is a failure to communicate your needs clearly.
    That’s why inside this lesson you’ll discover the seven parts your project brief must include if you want to get great results! It’s so simple, yet this lesson will save you an unbelievable amount of time and money!
    Lesson 7: The 5 Biggest, Costliest Mistakes speakers Make When Building their Freelance Team - And How to Avoid Them
    As you already know, building a freelance team is one of the easiest and fastest ways to grow your speaking business – and it’s virtually hands-free for you!
    But heads up: this only applies if you avoid some of the costliest mistakes involved in working with a team. And that’s why this lesson shows you how to avoid the top five common mistakes. You’ll discover:
    •    The #1 thing you need to do before you even think about hiring a freelancer!
    •    How a simple mindset change can instantly create a more profitable business for you!
    •    What simple task many speaking business owners forget to do when outsourcing – and they suffer dearly for it!
    Plus more! If you want to shortcut the learning curve, don’t miss this lesson!

    Lesson 8: Seven Surprisingly Easy Ways to Turn Your Freelancing Team Into a Well-Oiled Profit Machine
    Some business owners have a virtual team. And some business owners create a highly effective virtual team that runs smoothly to produce profits. If you too like the idea of building your own highly effective team, then you’re going to want to check out this lesson, where you’ll discover:
    •    The one thing you need to do to create a great work environment for a global team!
    •    How to manage expectations to keep both you and your freelancers happy!
    •    Four tips for transforming yourself into a well-liked and effective manager!
    Plus four other surefire strategies for boosting your outsourcing profits!

    Lesson 9: The Secrets of Finding the R.I.G.H.T. Team Members to Grow Your Business
    It’s one thing to build a team of freelancers. It’s another thing entirely to find and hire freelancers who’ll do a great job of implementing your plans and growing your business. That’s why you’ll want to focus on hiring the R.I.G.H.T. freelancers.
    What is the R.I.G.H.T. formula, and how do you use it to make outsourcing easier and more profitable? That’s exactly what you’ll discover inside this lesson!

    Lesson 10: The Quick and Easy Way to Double Your Money by Outsourcing
    Once you build your freelancing team, you’re going to quickly see that outsourcing is a very profitable venture. But until you’ve actually experienced it for yourself, it may be a little hard to imagine. And that’s why this lesson gives you a simple example of how to double your money by outsourcing!

    And much, much more!
    As you can see, there's a lot of profitable information packed inside this program to help you grow your speaking business with more ease and speed than ever before! This training will help you grow. Period.

    And To Make It Even Easier To Get Your Freelance Team Up And Running,
    You Will Also Receive These Five Free Bonuses When You Order
    Speaker Growth Accelerator Today!

    BONUS #1: 10 Template Job Descriptions To Help
    You Attract And Hire the Best Freelancers
    One really good way to attract good freelancers is to create clear project descriptions. This saves you both time and money, as you don’t need to weed through a pile of unqualified candidates. That’s why we’ve created ten common job descriptions that you can tweak and use to attract talented professionals. These ten jobs include: web designer, ecover designer, blog article writer, autoresponder series creator, tripwire creation, web developer, affiliate management, social media management, copywriter, and customer service rep.

    Check out the types of templates you’ll get:

    • Web Designer
    • eCover Designer
    • Blog Article Writer
    • Autoresponder Series Creator
    • Tripwire Creation
    • Web Developer
    • Affiliate Management
    • Social Media Management
    • Copywriter for Speaking Products
    • Customer Service Rep
    • Multimedia
    • Miscellaneous
    BONUS #2: Get Up And Running Fast With The Speaker Growth Accelerator Printable Checklist

    We covered a lot of good information in the Speaker Growth Accelerator course. Now you can remind yourself of the key highlights at a glance with this checklist. This is such a useful tool that you’ll want to print it off and hang it in your work area, as you’re bound to refer to it often!
    BONUS #3: 50 Jobs You Can Outsource To Grow  Your Speaking Business Faster Than Ever
    What sorts of tasks do you plan on outsourcing? You probably have a tentative list in mind. But I’m guessing that list is fairly short. And that’s because most business owners have never really thought about the variety of tasks they can outsource to grow their business. That’s why you’ll want to look at this list of 50 tasks that you can hire someone else to do – some of them might surprise you!
    BONUS 4: How to Find, Hire and Work With An A-Team Virtual Assistant
    A good virtual assistant can be one of your biggest assets in running a successful speaking, coaching & expert business. That’s because this person is often responsible for a wide variety of tasks that help to keep your business running smoothly. But beware: your virtual assistant can also be one of your biggest nightmares who has you wasting a lot of time and money fixing mistakes.That’s why we’ve created this lesson in finding, hiring and working with a VA, so you can find the best one for the job who’ll go on to become a great asset to your business.
    BONUS 5: Five Surefire Ways To Increase Your Outsourcing ROI
    Plenty of emerging speakers who start outsourcing do so without any thought to their return on investment (ROI). And that’s a mistake. If you can boost your ROI, then you can make even more money with your existing team. That’s why you’ll want to check out the five ROI-boosting ideas revealed in this bonus!

    As you can see, Speaker Growth Accelerator gives you everything you  need to set up your own profitable freelancing team!

    Now think about all of that for a moment…

    If you tried to set up a freelance team yourself, you’d make plenty of mistakes along the way. You’d struggle to find, recruit, and motivate high-quality freelancers. And you’d waste a whole lot of time and money trying to get your freelancing team to work smoothly.

    But you avoid all that by putting my experience to work for you. I’ll show you how to get your team set up right the first time. And once you have an effective team in place that's building your business and putting money in your pocket, you’ll wish you had done it a long time ago!

    I think that’s worth at least $97/month, don’t you? So, act now to get the best deal on this course!
    It’s time for you to take your business to the next level, and that starts right now by registering for this outsourcing course. So take out your credit card and lock in the low price of just $97/month now by clicking the buy button below…

    Fast Action Bonus: 70% Off Instant Savings Coupon (First 100 Customers Only)

    If you order now, we’ll take an additional 70% off the already low regular price. That’s right, order right now and you’ll get EVERYTHING you see on this page for 70% Off, meaning you'll only pay $27 month AND you'll be enrolled in the following: with nothing more to pay ever! But this is ONLY for the first 100 who order…then it goes back to regular price.

    UPDATE: If You Order Today, You'll Also Gain Access to World Class Training Resources From Our Speaker Social Mastery Training Program, Including the Following:
    thought leader
    SWipe files
    The FULLY LOADED training package for speakers & coaches to get the business-building content and resources that are working right now
    Every new and experienced thought leader knows that thinking and planning takes up a great deal of time.

    Now you can reduce your thinking time significantly by using these swipe files, designed for speakers, coaches, authors, and consultants who are ready to evolve into dynamic, full-blown information entrepreneurs.

    We’ve done all the thinking – you can take all the credit!
    101 Ways To Write a Social Media Update 
     Everyone says variety is the spice of life. It’s true – and introducing variety also adds spice (and profits!) to your social media updates.

    This means not only varying the topics, but also varying how you present the information in terms of style, length and more.

    And inside this swipe file you’ll get 101 different ways to create a social media update.
    HINT: Adding variety is the quick and easy way to slash unfollow rates, get people engaged again, and get them clicking on your links!
    101 Social Media Marketing Ideas 
    Inside this swipe file you’ll get 101 social media marketing ideas that are designed to help you:
    • Gain New Prospects
    • Grow Relationships
    • Generate Traffic
    • Garner Thought Leader Social Proof
    • Get More Brand Recognition
    • Gather Market Research
    • Give Help To Customers
    • Grow Your Information Business (Miscellaneous)
    So use this swipe file as a springboard to integrating social media into your overall marketing plan, and making it more effective than ever!
    40 Ways To Get More Shares 
    One of the best ways to effectively use social media to grow your coaching or expert business is by getting more people to share your content. This gives you massive word-of-mouth marketing to help you generate more leads and sales.

    So how do you get more shares? That’s what you’ll find out inside this report, where we’ll cover topics such as how to write a great call to action and how to use psychological triggers to boost shares!
    101 Viral Campaign Tips and Ideas 
    It’s no secret that social media is a great place to launch viral campaigns, since the platforms naturally encourage content sharing. And still, not every piece of content you post is going to go viral. Truth is, most of it is going to sink into oblivion.

    So how do you create content that people want to share? That’s what you’ll find out in this report, including factors such as:
    • Timing
    • Content
    • Triggers 
    • Calls to Action
    • Launching Content
    • Tips and Tricks For Infopreneurial Success
    And much more! There’s a call to action for every occasion inside this swipe file, so check it out!
    If you’ve ever wanted to launch a huge viral campaign and become a prolific niche leader, then you’ll want to read this swipe file first!
    50 Call To Action Ideas 
    Whenever you want people on social media to take action, you need to tell them exactly what you want them to do next. 

    This is called your CTA (call to action), and posting a good CTA will boost your conversion rates, build your list and generate more sales.
    That’s why inside this report you’ll find examples of 50 different types of calls to action across a variety of popular categories, including calls to action for:
    • Clicking Links
    • Joining an Event
    • Sharing, Liking or Commenting
    • Joining a Contest
    • Buying an Offer
    And much more! There's a call to action for every occasion relevant to speakers and coaches inside this swipe file, so check it out!
        the Ultimate
    Social Selling
    GUIDES & Reports
    Leverage our world-class training and success blueprints to supercharge your results and build your bottom line each and every month
    Time to put on your training cap and study the following guides, reports and tutorials. 

    They’re sure to give you the keys to using social media to quickly and easily grow your expert business! 

    Here’s what you get when you order now…
    • How to Use Facebook Live to Promote a Live Event or Another Product, Service or Offering In Your Speaking, Coaching & Expert Business 
    Facebook Live is an incredible way to promote your expert business, because it gives you a way to interact directly with your prospects and customers.

    Not only that, your video replay is also available for visitors to watch for days, weeks, or months to come.

    As an added bonus, you can even market your Facebook live videos to meeting planners and your speaking clients as evidence of the many ways you interact with your audiences and clientele.

    Talk about a powerful engagement generating tool that planners and clients alike will love!
    So how do you tap into this amazingly effective promotional tool?

    By reading this lesson tutorial, where you’ll find out the best ways to engage your audience and get them cracking open their wallets for you!
    • The Information Marketer’s Guide to Social Selling 
    A lot of business owners come to social media thinking it’s like their newsletter list or private sales platform.

    And that’s a grave mistake. If you want to sell on social media, you need to remember the keyword: SOCIAL.

    People don’t come to social media to read advertisements, and they’ll quickly hit the unfollow button if that’s all they’re getting from you.

    So how do you start social selling effectively? By using this eye-opening tutorial, which shows you how to start generating real results with your social media campaigns!
    • How to Create Engaging Social Media Images
    Of course you need to create great content in order to engage your social media followers. 

    But you need something to capture attention – and posting captivating images is the answer. 

    How do you create these images? That’s what this tutorial will show you how to do. 

    We’ll spend the bulk of our time in Step 5, which will show you how to create the best and most eye-catching images to draw in your audience like moths to a porch light. 

    This is absolutely crucial training that every emerging coach and thought leader seeking to develop their brand and capture a wider audience should know!
    • How to Create a Facebook Page For Your Expert Business
    If you’d like to engage in a bit of promotions and advertising on Facebook, then you need to set up a Facebook Page for your business.
    Some people try to run their marketing campaigns off of their personal accounts. But there are multiple problems with this approach, with the big one being that Facebook frowns on it – and they’ll shut you down. 

    That’s why you need a Facebook Page, and this tutorial shows you how to set up a page, grow your fans, and start engaging them. It’s just what you need to grow your coaching business!
    • Outsourcing Your Social Media 
    Good news: You don’t need to do all your social media marketing activities yourself. Instead, you can outsource all or part of these activities to a professional freelancer. 

    And that’s exactly what this guide will show you how to do in the following five steps:
    • Decide What To Outsource
    • ​Distribute Your Job Openings
    • ​Determine the Best Candidate
    • ​Define Your Project
    • ​Develop a Good Relationship
    Ready to find out what all is included in each step? Order this package today to find out!
    • The Advanced Guide to Social Media Engagement 
    No matter what type of business you’re running and what you’re selling, your social media campaigns all have one underlying goal: you want to get more engagement.

    It’s pretty easy to understand why. 

    The more engaged your audience is, the easier it is for you to build a relationship with them. And when an engaged audience knows, likes and trusts you, then they’ll join your mailing lists, buy your products and put more money in your pocket.

    So the point is, you should always be looking for ways to increase engagement. 

    And that’s exactly what this report will show you how to do, as you’ll discover the same tips and tricks the top speakers, trainers, consultants & coaches on the planet use to increase engagement!
    • How To Set Up And Run A Successful Facebook Group 
    Facebook groups are a hidden gem for engaging your audience, building loyalty, establishing your expertise, pre-selling prospects and putting more cash in your bank account. 

    But how do you set up a big, thriving Facebook Group? That’s what this insider’s guide will show you how to do, so check it out!
    Expert's Toolkit
    Get the software, support, knowledge base and insights that work for ANY expert niche & thought leader business
    Here’s what makes the Speaker Social Mastery package different than almost anything similar on the market – you’re going to get a complete toolkit that helps you put these strategies to work so you can start profiting from them immediately!

    Here’s what you get when you order now…
    The 10 Best Copywriting Formulas That Drive Social Media Engagement 
    As a speaker or coach, you already know that good copywriting is the key to telling a compelling story, and a good story will hook people emotionally and draw them closer to you. 

    And that’s why this report shows you how to use 10 proven copywriting formulas to hook your followers and get them clicking on your links!
    The Top 25 Blogs Every Social Media Marketer Ought to Follow 
    Social media is an evolving landscape. 

    The major platforms (like Facebook and Twitter) make regular changes that affect the way you reach your audience. 

    And every so often, a new social media platform pops up to help you grow your business. 
    But the question is, are you on top of all these changes? 

    Now you can be, and all you have to do is follow a handful of blogs from this list of the top 25 social media experts!
    The Top Social Media “Must Have” Tools  
    A good app, plugin, or other software tool can make all your social media marketing tasks quicker, easier and more effective for you. That’s why you’ll want to review this list of must-have tools and start putting them to work for you today. Here are the types of tools you’ll find inside this guide:
    • Automation 
    • ​Insight
    • ​Comprehensive and Miscellaneous
    The Social Media Marketing Activities Planners  
    If you want to make the most of our social media campaigns, you need good daily, weekly and quarterly planners. And that’s exactly what this tool gives you! 

    Simply tweak this planner to fit your needs, and you’ll have a roadmap to social media success!
    7 Clever Ways to Leverage Facebook Live Videos 

    Are you using Facebook Live videos yet in your expert business? If not, you should.

    That’s because they’re a wonderful way to connect with your audience in a way that’s far more personal than your typical text update.

    So how do you best leverage Facebook Live to grow your business? Simple – you check out this guide, where you’ll discover 7 surprisingly easy ways to leverage Facebook Live videos for greater engagement, speaking event promotion, and increased profits!
    The Hashtag Cheat Sheet 
    Hashtags are one of the keys to making sure your audience finds your content. 

    That’s because whenever you put a hashtag in your post, it becomes searchable across the platform. 

    And this guide gives you the tips, tricks, and best practices you need to make the most of hashtags on your social media platforms!
    The Social Media Contest Cheat Sheet 
    Running a contest on social media tends to be a powerful marketing tool, simply because of the potential exposure and naturally viral nature of social media platforms. 

    That’s why you’ll want to use this cheat sheet to create a powerful contest that’s sure to attract new leads and deliver great results for you!
    The Social Media Engagement Sheet 
    Every piece of content you create for social media should be geared towards engaging your audience. 

    Not only does this help you build relationships, your expert brand, your newsletter list and your customer list, some platforms (such as Facebook) show your content based on how many people engage. 

    And that’s why you’ll want to print off this cheat sheet and use it to boost engagement and grow every facet of your speaking, coaching and training business!
    The Social Media Conversion Optimization Cheat Sheet 
    No matter what our social media goals are, you can grow your business faster by focusing on social media conversion optimization. 

    That means you employ sure-fire tips and tricks to get more shares, more clicks, more subscribers, more followers and more sales. 

    This tool shares those tips, so check out this cheat sheet to be sure you’re doing everything you can to boost conversions!
    The Social Media Strategy Worksheet for Emerging Experts 
    You have all of these ideas and goals for your social media campaigns – but how do you put it all together into one cohesive strategy across channels? 

    That’s what this worksheet will help you do! So don’t even think about posting a single piece of content until you use this planning tool!
    Profiling Your Target Audience Worksheet
    In order to get good results with your marketing efforts, you need to understand who your audience is and what they want. This will help you create an effective social media campaign. 

    Not only will you know the best ways to reach your audience, you’ll also know how to talk to them in a way that really connects with them. 

    And that’s exactly what this worksheet shows you how to do.
    Determining The Best Social Media Platform For Your Needs
    Are you using the best social media platforms for your needs? Most new thought leaders aren’t. Truth is, most infopreneurs either join every platform possible, or they just stick with Facebook. And both of those options are mistakes that could be robbing you of a lot of profits!
    So here’s the third (and better) strategy: examine your goals, examine your audience, and then pick two or three platforms that best suit your needs. That’s what this worksheet will help you do, so order this package today so you can get started using it right away!

    Social Media marketing
    Productivity enhancing checklists to develop your social strategies for growing and engaging your audience across multiple social media marketing platforms
    SSM Module 5: Social Media Marketing Checklists

    Order now and also get a package of 20 checklists that are perfect for
    printing. These checklists are more than your typical checklists – these are high level mini-blueprints you can use to create more profitable social media campaigns! Here’s what you get when you order now…

    • The Ultimate Social Media Marketing Checklist 
    • Maybe you’re thinking about using social media to grow your speaking or coaching business. In that case, you want to be sure you get off on the right foot. Or perhaps you’ve already started using social media, but you’re not getting the results you want.
      Either way, this checklist will give you the strategies you need to put social media to work for you!
    • The Social Media Strategy Checklist 
    • So you’ve been thinking about marketing your business on social media, which is a very good choice. After all, your prospects and customers are probably already on these platforms.
    • But here’s the big question: what’s going to be your primary goal for your social media strategy? You need to pick just one overall goal, and then design your campaign around achieving this goal. And this checklist shows you the top five most profitable goals and helps you decide which one is right for you!

    • Your First 1,000 Followers Checklist 
    • Once you launch your social media campaign, your first task is to get at least 1,000 followers. That’s because 1,000 followers make it easier for you to kick off viral campaigns, get a good discussion going on your page, create a “social proof” effect that will lead to an even bigger following, and more.
    • So how do you get those critical first 1,000 followers for your expert business? By using this eye-opening checklist!

    • The Social Media Content Scheduling Checklist 
    • There are plenty of emerging thought leaders who employ a “seat of the pants” scheduling style for their social media campaigns. And, not coincidentally, there are also a lot of aspiring leaders who are sorely disappointed with their social media results.
    • Point is, if you want to get good results, then you need to plan and schedule your content. That’s what this checklist and set of questions will help you do.

    • The Daily Social Media Productivity Checklist 
    • It’s pretty easy to spend hours on social media. But who has that kind of time? You need to get in, get out, and make the most of whatever time you devote to your social media strategy on a daily basis.
    • So how do you do that? By using this social media productivity checklist that covers the three main steps you need to take: 1) Creating, 2) Listening, and 3) Engaging. Download this blueprint today to get all the details!
    • The Outsource and Automate Your Social Media Checklist 
    • Working on your social media campaigns can easily suck up a lot of your time each day. OR you can automate them and make them as hands free as possible.
    • If that second option sounds good to you, then you’re going to want to put this outsourcing and automation checklist to work for you!

    • The Ultimate Guide to Expert Content Ideas Checklist
    • Take a look at just about any successful social media page, and you’ll quickly see that most people post a variety of content to keep their audience engaged. What’s more, if you’re posting on multiple platforms, then you’ll naturally need a variety of content. For example, Twitter posts are just 280 characters, whereas Instagram is all about posting photos.
    • So where do you get all of these content ideas to keep your audience engaged? That’s what this checklist will help you do!

    • The Content Creation for Social Media Checklist 
    • It’s no secret that a good social media strategy relies heavily on you having plenty of high quality content to share. But the problem is, creating all that content yourself takes time! Next thing you know, you’re burning up big chunks of every work day just creating content for your social media campaigns!
    • Is there a better way? You bet there is. And this checklist will show you how to create content faster and easier than ever, and in the process become a more rounded speaker, thought leader and branded expert!

    • The Facebook Business Page Set Up Checklist 
    • More than one billion people are already active on Facebook, which makes this platform a superb way to reach your audience. And if you run a business, Facebook offers you the opportunity to set up a business page to directly reach your audience. Let this checklist show you how to get your profitable Page set up quickly and easily!
    • The Facebook Live Checklist 
    • If you’ve spent any time on Facebook lately, you may have received notifications when your friends and favorite business contacts went live. Maybe you’ve even tried the live videos yourself, but the results didn’t exactly bowl you over. Would you like to get better results? Of course you would! And that’s exactly what this checklist will help you do.   
      Order SSM now and in moments you’ll discover the secrets for creating engaging live videos that boost your viewership and lead to more subscribers, speaking engagements, coaching clients and sales!
    • The Social Selling Checklist 
    • If you start tossing up a bunch of direct-response ads on your social media platforms, your audience is going to run you out on a rail. Or at the very least, they’re going to be clicking the “unfollow” button. But that doesn’t mean you can’t sell on social media. You just need to be sure that the “social” part comes first, followed by the selling part. And inside this mini blueprint you’ll discover three proven methods for selling on social media!

    • The Facebook Paid Advertising Checklist 
    • Facebook has a tremendously powerful paid advertising platform, simply because you can target your audience in ways other platforms can’t even begin to offer. Not only can you target by the typical demographics such as gender or location, but you can also target by interest and even visitor behavior.
    • Ready to tap into this powerful platform for yourself? Then grab this checklist and get started!

    • The Facebook Private Group Checklist 
    • One of the problems with a Facebook Page is that it’s difficult to really get into a good discussion. As you post things throughout the day, the older posts drop off. What’s more, your visitors can’t start discussions. Sure, they can post in the “visitor posts” area, but not very many people will see those posts.
    • So what do you do when you want to create a good discussion? Simple: you start a secret or closed Facebook group. Once yours is up and running, your users will generate most of the content and the group will take on a life of its own. And this mini blueprint is exactly what you need to get that group up and running fast!

    • The Facebook Monthly Membership Site Checklist 
    • There was a time when running a monthly membership site was a complicated affair. You needed tech knowledge to get your group running. And then you needed to convince people to register on your site, bookmark it, and visit regularly.
    • Today things are a lot easier, because all you have to do is set up a monthly membership site on Facebook. Chances are, your audience is already on Facebook and visiting every day, so running your membership site through this platform is super easy – especially when you use this super-useful checklist!

    • The Social Traffic Generation Checklist 
    • There are a lot of emerging experts who eagerly jumped onto social media as an easy way to drive a waiting audience back to their site. All you have to do is just drop links and wait for the traffic to pour into your site, right?
    • Not quite. Social media is a bit of a different animal compared to your typical advertising venues. Those who recognize the differences are the ones who benefit. Those who don’t know how to use social media the right way just end up wasting a lot of time and money on a strategy that doesn’t work.
    • If you want to be one of the lucky few to benefit big time, then you need to get your hands on this mini blueprint!

    • The ‘Grow Your List Through Social Media’ Checklist 
    • While social media is a great way to reach your audience and start building relationships, ultimately you want to get your prospects on your mailing list so that you can follow up with them at any time.
    • So how do you grow your list using social media? This checklist is a good place to start!

    • The Social Media Engagement Checklist 
    • Just increasing your number of social media followers isn’t going to get you good results. If you want to make the most out of your social media marketing, you need to make sure those followers are engaged and loyal. And that’s exactly what this “dos and don’ts” checklist will show you how to do!

    • The Call to Action Checklist 
    • One of the key goals of your social media page is to get people to like, share and comment on your content. Not only is an engaged audience more likely to join your list or buy from you, this sort of activity also creates viral traffic and a bigger audience for you…effortlessly! So how do you get more likes, shares, favorites, retweets and comments? By using this checklist!

    • The Social Media Graphics Checklist 
    • Have you ever noticed what sort of content tends to get a lot of attention on social media?
    • If you guessed graphics, you’re right. Whether you’re sharing a graphics-heavy infographic, or you’re just sharing a tip or inspirational quote on a graphical background, you need to have attention-getting graphics to rise above all the social media noise.
    • And here’s the best news: this checklist will show you how to create or otherwise get your hands on all sorts of attention-getting, polished and high-impact graphics!

    • The Next Level Social Media Hacks Checklist 
    • Once you get your social media campaigns up and running, you’re going to start looking for tips and hacks to make your social media marketing better, faster and easier. Look no further than this checklist, where you’ll get 10 hacks for creating more successful and bigger networks!
    Whew! That’s a lot of information. In fact…
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